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Press Kit & News

Press Kit

These downloadable files provide materials useful for press coverage and event announcements. If you need something additional, please use this website's Contact page to let me know.

News & Reviews

Stuart Rosebrook of True West magazine puts Cast out of Eden at the top of his list of recommended summer reading: "Award-winning historian McNally once again tackles a difficult topic, and readers will be discussing his conclusions on Muir for many years."

An off-screen journalist asks questions about Cast out of Eden and records my answers for this video podcast on Faculti (12:25).

For his Cochise Co. Travels podcast on Wild West History, Mike Mayberry talks with me about Cast out of Eden. Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts (58:43).

Frances Dinkelspiel in Bay City Books calls attention to "Muir's push to preserve wild areas for white Americans, but not those who had lived there for millennia."

"A revealing biography, Cast Out of Eden details the hypocrisy, cruelty, and astonishing achievements of John Muir" is the verdict of Erike Harlitz Kern in Foreword Reviews.

According to Peter Fish in the San Francisco Chronicle's Datebook section, Cast out of Eden "unpacks [the] racism of John Muir and the movement he inspired."

On the California Sun Podcast, host Jeff Schechtman interviews me about Cast out of Eden's revelation of John Muir's hidden legacy (28:56).

Andrew Graybill writes that Cast out of Eden "prompts a fresh round of reconsideration by attending specifically to this side of the United States' pioneering environmental crusader" in the Los Angeles Review of Books.